" If you know anything about cricket, which is played with a rock-hard ball, big, wooden bats and some pretty heavy-duty padding for the batter, you’re probably concerned about those poor kids getting cracked on their little noggins and going to the hospital. "
That's Beth Better, writing for the Prague Post on a Beach Party being organised at the Prague Bohemian Cricket Club in the Czech capital. Added the party organiser, Scott Page: " Not to worry, Page says. Kids’ cricket, officially known as Kwik Cricket, has different rules and is played with plastic equipment. There’s even a fledgling Czech girls team."
The party was kicked off with UK music bands with names such as 'Testosterone' and 'Narcoleptics', who had come all the way to the Czech republic for free to promote the British sport called Cricket. Globalising cricket!! Don't know if this is with the express permission of the ICC or not, but Czech boys and girls trying to play cricket sounds interesting and fun. The ICC what being generous with World Cup entries to young cricketing nations, who knows, we might see a Czech Team competing in the 2025 World Cup. Or better still, Indians and Aussies learning a thing or two from the Czechs on 'Kwik Cricket'. Maybe even a ICC Kwik Cricket World Cup, or may be even an ICL one!